- 打卡等级:殷海萨
- 打卡总天数:765
- 打卡月天数:17
- 打卡总奖励:5193
天堂2 6章铁幕降临源码 项目组:RuAcis 409
- 支援版本:铁幕降临
- 资源大小:15mb
- 更新日期:2024-09-10
天堂2 6章铁幕降临源码 项目组:RuAcis 409
- Changeset 409 (3301)
- SCH, Castles, IU, Npc movement, Drop rate rework, Bugfixes, Organization
- SCH - Ty Bandnentans for the good work
- All SCHs are normally fixed and working.
- CH decorations are reworked (they got their own XML, related Configs are dropped).
- Aden CHs got the Wyvern option, as stated in Patch Notes. Ty Denzel for report.
- CH features levels are corrected. Ty Denzel for report.
- Fix NPC clan crest issue.
- Castles
- Keep Castle next tax percent instead of resetting it to 0.
- Implementation of missing variables over Castle vault management. Ty KejbL for report.
- Remove doublons over Residence npcIds. Add npcId 35552 HTMs. Ty //Dev for report.
- Fix the tax income calculation.
- IU
- Add PAPERDOLL as potential location for IU (fix gm enchant, arrows consumption). Ty Roko91 for report.
- Fix weight calculation over login. Ty KejbL for report.
- Fix inventory update upon teleport (BSOE consumption). Ty //Dev for report, La Roja for fix.
- Fix inventory weight upon NPC buy.
- Npc movement
- MOVE_TO desire is cleansed over onEvtBlocked, avoiding to build infinite desire.
- Don't add MOVE_TO desire if given Location isn't reachable.
- FLEE doesn't call event upon onEvtBlocked (that event means something wrong happened, it's then impossible to trigger "regular" FLEE checks).
- Use Location#equals in few scripts.
- NpcAI#thinkFollow cleanup (-8 arrays, -24 List#get, -8 distance2D).
- Drop rate rework
- Main idea is to iterate each category X times, as if X monsters were killed. No % re-calculation or whatever, it's plain and simple. x50 means you got the calculated drops of 50 monsters.
- Avoid to generate IntIntHolder, manage the drop/spoil using a Map<Integer, Integer> instead, which also allow to merge similar itemIds.
- Categories % are tested no matter if drop or spoil, which allow levelMultiplier to be properly applied.
- Monster#dropItem is moved to Npc#dropItem, which allow any Npc to drop an item and avoid cast.
- "killer" is now part of all Npc#dropItem, meaning the item is properly item protected.
- Bugfixes
- Fix a ClassCastException over Quest#onClanAttacked.
- Fix a NegativeSizeArrayException upon client logging. Drop few logging errors related to invalid client attempts.
- Fix NPE over Q635.
- Fix PDAM calculation prior to rev 399 physical attack/skill split. Ty Yoska for report.
- Fix TradeList automatic title cleanup. Ty Denzel for report/fix.
- Add back missing Config.PARTY_XP_CUTOFF_METHOD "none" option. Ty CUCU23 for report/fix.
- Fix "upper roof" NPCs. Ty Bandnentans for fix.
- Fix Seven Signs individual stone contribution method. Ty //Dev for report.
- Fix Q372 reward table and drop rate. Ty //Dev for report.
- Q348 now distributes drops as party-random, despite the client info. Ty Denzel for report.
- Fix Benom teleports out. Hardcode other in/out Locations. Ty //Dev for report.
- Don't show Crystallize icon on inventory for Bounty Hunters (was an addition of CT1 GP1). Ty Bandnentans for report.
- Replace "weightPenalty" for "weightLimit" over skills XMLs. Ty //Dev for report/fix.
- When Heroes participate in a raid against Antharas, Valakas, and Baium, the boss monster has a chance to shout out the Hero characters’ names. Ty deekay for fix.
- Fix isRaidBoss implementation (a raidboss minion without master was considered raidboss).
- Fix Nurse Ants not healing the Queen Ant larva.
- Fix a SQLException over Olympiad server startup.
- Fix a SQLException over Clan member removal (since clan privs rework).
- Fix default 30169 npcId HTM. Ty Bandnentans for report.
- Fix Festival Guide missing rift option. Ty Denzel for report/semi-fix.
- Few dwarven/general manufacture fixes
- Add the missing max recipe integrity check.
- Upon shop fail, call back the manage window.
- Upon shop fail, don't cleanup the manufacture list.
- Upon shop success, cleanup the reverse manufacture list (successful general shop resets dwarven, successful dwarven shop resets general).
- Organization
- Rework HtmCache and CrestCache to use NIO. Move CrestType to enums.
- Implementation of WorldObject#forEachKnownType / WorldRegion#forEachType & forEachRegion - Avoid List overhead in numerous popular locations (notably broadcastPacket or region checks - which are done on every knownlist check).
- Rework SkillList packet, it is now handled as other packets. Delete Player#sendSkillList method.
- Delete DeadlockDetector class and related configs.
- Add GameServer#isServerCrash, based on LaRoja implementation - without uses, for now.
- Move IPv4Filter class to commons.network, delete net.sf.l2j.util package.
- Add DefaultSeeRange config, use the retail value 450 instead of 400.
- Add more records, ty LaRoja for the merge request.
- Delete unused dimensionalRift.xml.
- Few ItemContainer optimizations.
- Rename all ocurrences of adenas to Adena.
- SonarLint / UCDetector fixes :
- Drop MathUtil#limit, use Math#clamp instead (introduced in JDK21).
- Drop following unused Configs : FS_TIME_ENTRY, FS_TIME_END, RAID_MINION_RESPAWN_TIMER.
- Few public / protected / private edits. A lot more to come.
- switch cases are merged (introduced in JDK12).
- Boolean object is compared to Boolean.FALSE/TRUE, not directly tested as a boolean.
- String#replaceAll is replaced with String#replace when a regex pattern isn't involved.
- Generate few records : Sequence, TutorialEvent.
- Few class-based variables are now local.
- Use HashMap.newHashMap instead of new HashMap when the capacity is known (static final maps). HashMap.newHashMap avoids to set 0.75 capacity when it's not needed.
- LogRecord record is renamed LogRecord logRecord, due to record being now a keyword.
- Use proper Singleton pattern for instance type (notably listeners).
- Generate private constructors calling IllegalStateException for utility classes.
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